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MYRx Appointments



Please review the FAQs below. If your questions isn't answered please open a ticket in our ticketing system using the link below the FAQs.

How do I download or find the password to download the my patient's pre-populated form from the notification email?

How do I download completed patient forms EN MASSE to save time?

How do I link to or embed my form? (Or what do I need to show my webmaster/developer?)

How do I limit the number of appointments I accept for my COVID vaccines?

What do I do when my state/county changes the COVID vaccine acceptable age or phase?

How do I block time periods I do not want to accept appointments?

How do I link my appointments to my google calendar? Are there advantages?

How do I print a daily agenda of appointments?

About Me

“My name is Joe McKamey and I have been the general manager at Marcrom's Pharmacy in Manchester, TN since 2005. My job is to make our pharmacy run smoother and more efficiently. My goal now is to help YOUR pharmacy run smoother and more efficiently!"

— Joe McKamey

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